Headquartered in New Delhi, R&AW's current chief is Samant Goel. ĭuring the nine-year tenure of its first Secretary, Rameshwar Nath Kao, R&AW quickly came to prominence in the global intelligence community, playing a role in major events such as accession of the state of Sikkim to India.
It is also involved in the security of India's nuclear programme. The agency's primary function is gathering foreign intelligence, counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, advising Indian policymakers, and advancing India's foreign strategic interests. The Research and Analysis Wing (abbreviated R&AW Sanskrit: Anusandhāna Evaṁ Viśleṣaṇa Skandha, Hindi: Anusandhān Aur Viśleṣaṇ Viṅg) is the foreign intelligence agency of India.